:: ramble ::

The house is quiet. Well, except for the cat snoring a few feet away.
I seem to have caught the sinus crap that has been going around. *sigh*
Damn, where in hell did the year go? It’s the end of November already.
We’re supposed to go and see J’s folks for Thanksgiving this year. Actually, it’s supposed to be me my folk’s turn for Thanksgiving and their turn for Xmas. The Great Grandbaby swap-off continues. *laugh*
I don’t blame the folks for not wanting to make the drive though. And let’s face it…Long trips with Dad driving (esp w/his sleep apnea) are a white knuckle experience for Mom; he tends to go to sleep at the wheel. Five hours of fabulous fun on the road! A thrill a minute!
And J’s Grand-daddy is sick, sick. Well, maybe ‘sick’ is too mild a term. How about his own stomach is eating him? (stomach cancer) We’ve been told that he’s “not a good candidate for surgery” so they’re continuing the radiation and chemo. He’s lost like 75 pounds — that he truly didn’t have to lose — since the beginning of summer. I do feel like we need to stay in town and go see him for the holiday. I don’t think that he’s going to be around for very much longer. He could surprise – he is a tough old fuck. Ex-oil man. Foreman. What a suckass job that was, the way he tells it. Bad hours. Crappy working conditions. The only good thing it seems to have done for him is given him a World Tour. I don’t think there’s a continent he hasn’t been on. Or his family. Texas oil men — and their Texas wives — don’t go much of anywhere without their families. At least in the 50’s and 60’s they didn’t. I’ve got a great photo of Jack and Ruth when they first married. They’re grinning into the camera. He’s got his hair all slicked back – she’s wearing high heels and a Swiss dot dress. Plus, she’s got that glamorous 50’s country chic going for her. Tee-ninsy little waist!
Nita (MIL) grew up being bounced all over the globe. She went to school with the other oil brats. I think I’ve got one of the more interesting in-laws (and family). At least, I’ve rarely been bored over visiting.

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